
Kota Baru - IDKBU - Indonesia

Entering the Seaport of Kota Baru

Approaching the Port

As you approach the seaport of Kota Baru, keep a lookout for the ports distinctive red and white lighthouse. This will guide you towards the entrance of the port.

Entering the Port

Once you have located the lighthouse, steer your vessel towards the ports entrance. The entrance is marked by two large breakwaters that protect the port from the open sea.
As you enter the port, keep a safe distance from other vessels and follow the designated channel. The channel is marked by buoys and beacons that will guide you towards the ports berths.

Berthing at Kota Baru Seaport

When berthing at Kota Baru seaport, make sure to follow the ports regulations and procedures. Contact the port authority on VHF channel 16 to request permission to berth and receive instructions on where to dock.
Once you have received permission, approach the berth slowly and carefully. Make sure to secure your vessel properly to the dock and follow all safety procedures.


Entering the seaport of Kota Baru requires careful navigation and adherence to port regulations. By following the designated channel and communicating with the port authority, you can safely berth your vessel and enjoy all that Kota Baru has to offer.
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Vessel Name Type Length Class Expires Date Ship manager Estimated time of arrival
ENDURO (8808513) Oil and chemical tanker Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information
SALACGRIVA (9323390) Oil and chemical tanker Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information
REMON (8692277) Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information Please log in or register to see more information
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